The Aktiun team is proud to present the September 2020 release of the ChartFactor Visual Analytics Platform. It increases its lead as the fastest, most flexible and powerful solution for embedded visual analytics.
This release brings Relative Filters, great when visualizing streaming data by keeping the selected time window up-to-date no matter when you re-open your dashboard or your embedded application.
Our Geo Map brings more flexible drill-in capabilities that you can easily add to your embedded apps. You can configure your map to use your custom tile server, configure its layers, and specify fixed markers in addition to data-driven markers and shapes. And its improved and configurable legend saves space and looks great!
Our tables now support formatters to flexibly format any or all of its cells. You can declaratively turn totals on or off for columns and rows, and even access the underlying open source library options for greater rendering flexibility.
And custom query functionality is now available across all SQL sources, including Redshift and Dremio.
You can enjoy ChartFactor Studio, download the latest toolkit, access documentation, release notes, and everything about ChartFactor at https://chartfactor.com.