Looking back over 2023 from a tech perspective, one thing in particular stands out - the meteoric rise of AI.
But this impressive leap-forward in user-friendliness didn’t occur in a vacuum.
We had already seen how the rise of hybrid and remote models of working forced people get comfortable with using technology to accomplish a range of everyday tasks and how this, in turn, increased the demand for smoother, more user-friendly experiences across the board.
At the same time, the continuing rise in the use of highly-intuitive devices such as smartphones has meant that people of all generations now expect technology to be both powerful and easy to use.
One thing is clear: when it comes to technology, the bar has been raised!
Luckily @Aktiun was already ahead of the curve.
Our ChartFactor software was built using the latest design principles: serverless, technology agnostic, scalable and embeddable.
In addition, we designed it to easily integrate with a range of third party tools and solutions - including our recent OpenAI integration which brings the power of AI to our visual analytics.
And we continue to add more features, whilst constantly improving upon existing ones, our visual analytics software is even more powerful and user-friendly with each passing day!
So, if you want a visual analytics solution that is fit for the world of 2024 then you need to check out ChartFactor!