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Aktiun Announces Native Analytics For Everyone

Writer's picture: AktiunAktiun

Introduces ChartFactor Studio Beta and Community Access

FAIRFAX, Va., Oct. 30, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Aktiun ( today announced the beta release of ChartFactor Studio (, a truly innovative data visualization environment built on top of the ChartFactor Toolkit.

ChartFactor Studio allows users to perform the same interactive data analysis and discovery as current BI deployments. However, its powerful and simplified architecture removes the current BI middleware, which translates into many benefits including leveraging the native security model of data platforms, reduced infrastructure costs, fewer points of failure, and improved performance.

ChartFactor Studio capitalizes on modern data and web technologies connecting natively to data sources and allowing users to filter, drill-in, and slice data across multiple data technologies in a single view.

ChartFactor Studio inherits most of its characteristics from ChartFactor Toolkit which it is based on. It opens the door to Native Analytics and it is also a powerful realization of the embedded analytics concept, allowing to provide relevant information and analytical tools to end users so that they can work more efficiently in the applications they use every day.

ChartFactor Studio out-of-the-box includes connectivity to Elasticsearch 5.x and 6.x, Dremio 2.x, and Google BigQuery. It is available at and it does not require server downloads or any additional infrastructure. "The Aktiun team is committed to help remove barriers to data-driven decision making," said Jorge Alarcon, founder and CEO of Aktiun. "ChartFactor Toolkit enables the creation of next-generation data applications and ChartFactor Studio is one of them, free for everyone to use."

ChartFactor Toolkit Community Edition, its knowledge base, live examples and a community forum are also available as part of the ChartFactor Community Access.

About Aktiun Aktiun helps enterprises and their developers with large implementations of their next generation data analytics in private, public and hybrid cloud environments. Founded in March 2016 by industry veteran Jorge Alarcon, Aktiun currently has customers in the US and Europe.

For more information, visit For more information on ChartFactor, visit Video demonstrations are available at

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